Email the requested information to customer service along with your order number:
[email protected]Using the chart below (and only the chart below, no other measurements are valid for a custom jacket or pants), send us ONLY the letter designation and the measurement (ie. A1 165 - send measurements in cm only, round up to the next whole number.)
Custom Jacket:
Measurement type/ Measurement taking method
Please write all measurements in the "Order Comments" section during checkout and include the letter designations for each line. Please use metric measurements (cm) and no punctuation.
A1 HeightTaken from bottom of foot to top of the head
C2 Arm lengthTaken from end of shoulder to wrist, outside, with bent arm
C3 Biceps girthTaken with bent arm and tense muscles
C4 Forearm girthTaken around the largest point of the forearm
C5 Wrist girthTaken at wrist joint level
D1 Chest girthTaken at armpit level (women's jackets - on bust level)
D2 Shoulders widthTaken on the back, between arm-shoulder connection points
D3 Back widthTaken at armpit level
D4 Distance neck - navelTaken from navel to bottom line of neck
D5 Abdominal girthTaken at the level of the belly button (navel)
D7 Hips girthTaken at hip joint level
Custom Pants:
(9) Waist Circumference Taken at the level of the belly button (navel)
(10) Hips Circumference Taken at hip joint level
(11) Length Taken from belly button to where you want to end (below knee)
(12) Thigh Circumference Taken around the largest point of the thigh